98%* Success Rate to Win, Reduce or Eliminate the penalties on all cases we handle, Criminal Charges, DWI, DUI, Shoplifting, Assault and Drug Charges, Traffic Tickets, put our success rate to work for you!

Charged With Loitering
In NJ 2C:33-2.1 or 2C:34-1.1
We Can Help:

  • Eliminate Jail Time
  • Eliminate Probation
  • Eliminate Your Criminal Record
  • Over 12,000+ Satisfied Clients in NJ
  • All Crimes - All of NJ

Lawer H. Scott Aalsberg has a 98%* Success Rate to Win, Reduce or Eliminate the Penalties For all NJ Loitering Charges. Protect Your Rights Free Confidential In Office Consultation Call 1-800-9-RIGHTS

Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.

If you have been charged and get convicted of any Loitering charge in NJ you will face jail time, probation and a criminal record. Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg has a 98%* Success Rate of Winning, Reducing or Eliminating the penalties you will face with a New Jersey Loitering Charge. Attorney Aalsberg has been interviewed by both ABC News 20/20 and CBS News for cases he has defended, and he can help you. Call Now for a Free In Office Consultation. The call is free the advise may be priceless!

How Did I Get A Loitering Charges In New Jersey 2C:33-2.1 And 2C:34-1.1:

In general a person is charged with loitering in NJ if he or she was in a public place with the purpose to obtain or distribute drugs or Engage in Prostitution. For the Loitering for Drug charge 2C:33-2.1 most people when charged with this offense are found in possession of an illegal or prescription drug not prescribed to them. For the prostitution charge 2C:34-1.1 generally the person was: repeatedly gesturing to or stopping people on the streets or in cars, or repeatedly attempting to stop others or engage them in conversation for the purpose soliciting a sexual service. Sometimes these statutes conduct is called other names such as Wandering or Remaining in a Public Place.

Penalty for a Loitering Charge in NJ:

  • Jail up to 180 Days
  • Probation as determined by the Court
  • Fine of up to $1000.00
  • A Criminal Record
  • Can Lead to Immigration problems or Denial of entry to certain Foreign Countries

Elements For A Loitering Charge:

In order to land a conviction for these offenses under 2C:33-2.1 or NJ 2C:34-1.1 in New Jersey, the prosecutor must establish beyond a reasonable document defendant:

2C:34-1.1 Loitering For Purpose Of Engaging In Prostitution:

1) The person was wandering, soliciting, remaining or prowling
2) In a Public Place
3) With the purpose of engaging in or promoting prostitution.

2C:33-2.1 Loitering For The Purpose Of Obtaining Drugs:

1) The person was wandering, soliciting, remaining or prowling
2) In a Public Place
3) With the purpose of unlawfully obtaining or distributing a controlled dangerous substance or analog
4) Engaging in conduct that, under the circumstances, manifests a purpose to obtain or distribute a controlled dangerous substance or analog.

Free In Office Consultation

Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.

Get The Best Defense And Win Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq. Has A 98%* Success Rate Reduce Or Eliminate The Penalties For A Loitering Charge In NJ!

By Hiring The Best Criminal Lawyer You Put The Best Chance Of Winning On Your Side Even If Your Guilty! Attorney Aalsberg Is:

  • Nationally Ranked As One Of The Top Ten Criminal Lawyers By The National Academy Of Criminal Defense Attorneys 2015-2022
  • Listed As One Of The Top 25 Trial Lawyers By The National Trial Lawyers 2014-2022
  • Selected As A Top Criminal Lawyer By AVVO Attorney Rating Service. Rated 10.0

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