A Summons for Careless Driving in NJ (39:4-97) will cost you two points on your license and can lead to the suspension of your license and increased insurance costs for the next 3 to 5 years. In addition if court appearance mandatory is checked you could go to jail!
The Points associated with a careless driving ticket (39:4-97) can cost you dearly on your insurance. For Insurance purposes it takes 3 years from the date of your violation/conviction for the points to be eliminated off your insurance. That is why a careless driving ticket should be challenged with proper legal representation. The cost of representation in most cases is much less than the additional charge your insurance company will charge you. Many of our clients can save over $2500.00 in insurance costs alone.
Insurance companies hate careless drivers as careless drivers statistically are responsible for more accidents. The higher the risk of an accident, the more likely your insurance company will suffer a loss. Thus, if you wish to keep your insurance premiums low call our office now at 1-800-974-4487 and set up a free in office consultation.
Other Penalties : Careless Driving in addition to a fine and points can carry up to 15 days imprisonment. Although this is rare for a person to go to jail for a careless driving ticket, if an accident is involved or your driving record is bad, or you have been charged with additional traffic tickets it is a very real possibility. In addition to jail the judge does have the discretion to suspend your license for a careless driving ticket. If you lose your license either because you have accumulated too many points or because the judge feels that your violation warrants a suspension, you could lose your job, your house and all that is important to you! Don't go it alone we can help. Call our office at 1-800-9-RIGHTS or (732) 257-5040 to setup a free in office consultation to find out how we can help you reduce or eliminate the penalties associated with a careless driving ticket in NJ. You have rights, and you don't just have to plead guilty even if you think you are guilty. Call us today and find out how thousands of our client have saved money, eliminated points and kept a clean record even when charged with careless driving ticket.
98% Success Rate To Win, Reduce or Eliminate the Penalties for NJ Careless Driving Tickets. Call 1-800-9-RIGHTS Free Consultation
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The 5 Most Common Reasons for Receiving a Careless Driving Ticket in New Jersey are:
- Intoxication
- Speeding
- Accident
- Improper Passing
- Fallure to stop at a Light or Sign
How The Careless Driving Penalties Are Determined:
The penalties in regards to fines, jail or loss of license must be determined by the judge on a case by case basis in each careless driving ticket in NJ if mandatory court appearance is checked on your ticket. Even though each careless driving ticket must meet the same statutory elements, some offenses will weigh in at the highest end of the scale while others do not. The seven factors the judge must determine before suspending a drivers license or imposing jail for a careless driving ticket in NJ are:
- The Nature and Circumstances of the driver's actions
- The driver's previous driving record
- The amount of time that has passed since the last driving infraction
- The driver's character and attitude
- Whether the conduct of careless driving is likely or unlikely to happen again
- Any excessive hardship the sentence would cause
- The need for personal deterrence
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How to Win a Careless Driving Ticket in NJ:
The best and easiest way to win your New Jersey Careless Driving Ticket is to get the best lawyer. Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., has been chosen by the National Trial Lawyers Association to be listed as one of the Top 25 Trial Lawyers and is rated as a Top Criminal Lawyer with a perfect 10.0 score by AVVO lawyer rating website.
Your license can be Suspended for a Careless Driving
Under NJSA: 39:5-31: A judge may suspend the driving privileges of any person he/she deems to be guilty of a “willful violation” of the law. In simplified layman terms this means that, if the driver knew or should have known, what he/she was doing was illegal or improper, (example running a red light or speeding double the limit or 30mph or more over the limit etc.) the judge may issue a license revocation or suspension to that person even if the particular statute has no provision for a license suspension.
A suspension under 39:5-31 is generally only given by a judge when a ticket is either:
- Marked with a mandatory court appearance or
- When an accident occurs as a result of the ticketed persons actions or
- If the person has a bad past driving record. (points may go away over time, but the violation stays on your record for life)
Accordingly, If your ticket is marked mandatory court appearance, do not try to handle this ticket yourself, put the experience of Attorney Aalsberg to work for you to help reduce or eliminate any possible license suspension. Attorney Aalsberg has a 98%* Success rate to win, reduce or eliminate the penalties for all NJ traffic ticket charges.