Types of Fees We Offer

  • Set Fee per Day in Court*
  • Set Fee Per Hour
  • Set Fee Per Case Fees*

Payment Options

  • Credit Cards
  • Debit Cards
  • Certified Checks

What is the Fee for our Service:

The first question most clients ask is how much is it going to cost to represent me in my case. The simple answer to this question is it depends on four different factors:

  • The facts of your case
  • The results that you want
  • The defense that you need
  • The attorney from our office that you choose

We cannot offer an inexpensive price without sacrificing the quality of the result. We are the lawyer a client will look for when they seek THE BEST REPRESENTATION and the BEST RESULT.  The Best representation does not come cheap because it requires the ability to do what is needed to find the proper solution to your problem TO WIN.  If you are seeking, the best representation possible for your charge we are here for you.  If you are looking for the lowest price you will need to go elsewhere.  But just because our fees are typically higher than most lawyers in the area, does not mean that Attorney Aalsberg is the most expensive either (typical prices in NY can range up to $2,500.00 per hour) our fees range from $450.00 for an associated per diem attorney to $999.00 per hour for Attorney Aalsberg. But just like any other profession you get the quality you pay for.  We offer a premium service for those interested in the best result, so unfortunately our price will be in the premium range.  We will not lower our fee because, it will require us to cut corners and your result will suffer.   We will not do this. Getting you the best result is our number 1 priority.  *However, we do offer SET FEES FOR MANY CASES, these set fees can save our typical client from hundreds of dollars on a traffic ticket, to several thousands of dollars on a criminal charge with the typical savings being between 10% to 25% off what would normally be our hourly charge to complete a case if you paid us on an hourly basis.  If we determine that we can help you, you will get this fee quote when you come for your first meeting/consultation with the lawyer.


Just like we don't cut corners on our fees.  We don't cut corners on our consultations either.  We offer only an in office consultation for most matters other than basic traffic tickets.  Why?  Because In the State of New Jersey, the attorney client privilege generally does not necessarily apply to conversations with the attorney over the phone or zoom prior to hiring the lawyer.  In fact the government can and does monitor many basic phone and internet conversations and having one with a lawyer is no exception. It is easier and takes our attorney less time to just speak to you on the phone, but it may mean that later the lawyer may not be able to use the best defense for your case. Only an in person conversation prior to paying/retaining the attorney is guaranteed to be confidential.

If your conversation is not confidential the information you tell an attorney could be be used against you in court, and you could lose your case. Thus, because we care more about your case rather than just screening you to see if you have the money to hire our firm we only offer an in office consultation.  Most consultations are free but you can call us to confirm.  Again, anything said over the phone or over the Internet to a lawyer could be used against you.  The first responsibility of a lawyer should be to protect you, not to see if you have the money to hire him. This private consultation will make sure we have the best chance of winning your case by keeping all information confidential and private. A good lawyer should never ask you questions about your case over the phone prior to being paid/retained. If a lawyer does ask you questions about your case or asks what happened, obviously he cares only about your money and whether you have enough to hire him and not about winning.  We care about you not our time as an in person consultation will take longer.  But winning is not just about your wallet it is about getting you the best result for your case and that is what our Firm puts at our highest priority.

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Reasonable Fees For Premium Quality Representation:

As with any service, you get what you pay for. Depending on your case’s facts, your prior record, and the results you want, the price will vary from firm to firm. However, the cheapest lawyer is typically not the best lawyer. The key in any legal case is to win. If you fail, any money spent was wasted. Unlike a car or a watch, you cannot simply “return” your attorney. If you’re sitting in jail for a year or losing your driver’s license for six months, did you save money by hiring a cheaper lawyer? Would it have been worth the extra money to hire the best lawyer you could have found? If the answer to this question is yes, then don’t pick the cheapest or closest lawyer. Choose the best lawyer with the most experience.

By law in New Jersey, an attorney must charge a reasonable fee. Generally, for an experienced lawyer, the fees will be similar between firms and attorneys of the same caliber/quality. Remember Attorney Aalsberg has been ranked as one of America’s Top Lawyers and holds endorsements from over 225 other lawyers nationwide.

A Criminal, DWI, or Traffic Ticket Lawyer, when quoting you a fee, will look at thefacts of your case, your prior record, the possible evidence against you (example: was a video made of the event), and the results you want. Based on the above factors,a lawyer will quote you a reasonable fee. In our office, we generally offer you two prices. One price for Attorney Aalsberg if he is available and one for his associate/per diem lawyers. Typically, the fee for Attorney Aalsberg will be about 30 to 60% more because he is ranked one of the Top Ten Lawyers by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys and one of the Top 25 Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers. A testament to his success in the courtroom to deliver results for his clients.

Experience You Can Trust:

Nationally recognized for his skill Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg and his firm have represented over 12,000 clients to date. Attorney Aalsberg is Nationally ranked as one of the Top Ten Criminal Lawyers by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys and Top 25 by the National Trial Lawyers. We handle All Crimes and All Tickets Anywhere in NJ. If you want to win your case you must get the Best Lawyer not the Cheapest!  In most cases Attorney Aalsberg handles he has a 98%* success rate to win, reduce or eliminate the penalties his clients are facing when they came to our office. Now although past success is not a guarantee of a future result, it can tell you who you are dealing with.


The sooner our lawyers get started on your case the more we can do to help you. Thinking about what to do is the biggest mistake most peoplecharged with a criminal or DWI charges make.  Call us at the first sign of a problem, before you get arrested, charged or even prosecuted. The more time our lawyers have to work on your case the more we can to help you. Sitting at home worrying about your case will not make it go away, but the extra time you give the lawyer to work on your case could mean the difference between winning or losing. A Criminal Charge, DWI or DUI is like a cancer: the longer you wait the harder it will be to help you.  If you want the best result for yourcase you must contact our office as soon as possible and setup the free in office consultation. The call is free the results may be priceless.

Loss of Your Job:

Today many jobs require 3 background checks: a criminal record background check, a motor vehicle history check, and a credit report check. Licensed professionals such as: teachers, truck drivers, medical and financial professionals are subject to background checks even while employed. Your conviction may mean the difference between being employed or unemployed. Thus, whether you are a truck driver with a traffic ticket or a nurse, financial planner or a teacher with a criminal charge, the outcome of your case may be the same: unemployed. Don’t let this happen to you, get the best defense: Get Not Guilty.

Call 1-800-9-RIGHTS For Immediate Help

How To Hire The Right Lawyer:

Many people who choose a lawyer are not satisfied with the lawyer Why? Because they choose based on price or location. The best lawyer is typically not the closest attorney or the cheapest. Do you choose your medical doctor by who is the closest or by who is the best? Once your found guilty of a Criminal Charge, DWI or DUI it will stay on your record life. If you are a business your company may be permanently shut. Our experienced New Jersey Criminal, DUI, DWI and Traffic Ticket Lawyers will help you. Remember, your most important concern should be the result not the price. We Will Get Results!

Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.

The Fine Print the Criminal and Traffic Ticket Lawyers at GetNotGuilty.com services all of New Jersey. Our firm is a Full service Law Firm offering consultations on any criminal or traffic ticket matter in the State of New Jersey. Each lawyer is licensed and insured and has taken an oath to protect the constitution and the constitutional rights of the accused. Cases handled include but are not limited to: NJ Assault cases, Aggravated Assault cases in New Jersey, New Jersey Sexual Offenses, NJ Drug Offenses NJ Drug Possession cases, Drug Possession With Intent To Distribute Drugs, Possession of CDS cases, Drug Paraphernalia cases, Aggravated Sexual Assault cases, Sexual Assault cases, Harassment cases, Shoplifting cases, Theft , Robbery, Carjacking. Burglary, Megan's Law, Homicide, Murder, Endangering, Lewdness, Criminal Trespass, Endangering Welfare Of A Child, Domestic Violence, Terroristic Threats, Kidnapping, Criminal Restraint, Criminal Sexual Contact, Arson, Criminal Mischief, Disorderly Conduct, Obstruction, Resisting Arrest, Hindering Apprehension, Fraud, Forgery, Identity Theft, Weapons Offenses, Possession Of Weapon For Unlawful Purpose, Unlawful Possession Of Weapon, Probation, Violation Of Probation, Conditional Discharge, Pretrial Intervention, PTI, Assault & Threat Crimes, Bail & Bond Matters, Burglary, Disorderly Conduct, Domestic Violence, Drug Distribution, Drug Possession, Drunk Driving & Refusal to Provide Breath Samples, Expungements, Fraud & Forgery, Harassment, Homicide, Juvenile Offenses, Municipal Court Matters, Probation & Parole Violations, Robbery, Theft, Traffic/Motor Vehicle Offenses as a NJ Criminal Lawyer, Criminal Defense,New Jersey Criminal Defense Lawyer, Criminal Defense Attorney, Criminal Law New Jersey, Criminal Lawyer New Jersey, Criminal Defense New Jersey, Criminal Defense Lawyer New Jersey, Criminal Defense Attorney New Jersey, NJ Indictable Crimes, In addition our New Jersey Traffic Ticket Lawyers handle: DWI, DUI, 39:4-50, Reckless Driving 39:4-96, Careless Driving, Tickets for Leaving the Scene of an accident 30:4-129, Speeding Tickets, Stop Sign Violations, Passing a School Bus. Failure to Carry Liability Insurance, Improper Passing Tickets, and many more. Let our experienced Woodbridge New Jersey traffic ticket lawyers help you. This web site is not intended to give legal advise, therefore if you have a legal question about a New Jersey Traffic Ticket or a New Jersey Criminal Matter in Woodbridge NJ or other NJ Town, please call our office at (732) 257 5040 to set up a free in office consultation. Free office consultations are available Monday thru Friday between the hours of 11:00AM-5:00PM. Free Consultations are limited to advise on the above listed matters. Please note that the towns with the most traffic tickets in NJ include but are not limited to Woodbridge and Edison NJ due to the close proximity to both the NJTPK and NJ Garden State Parkway. Hourly rates may be highwe than indicated above based on the complexity of the case with the minimum fee indicated above. Hourly rate is subject to change without notice. Before Making your choice of an Attorney, you should give this matter careful thought. If this Advertisement is inaccurate or misleading, you may report same to the Committee on Attorney Advertising at Hughes Justice Complex, P.O. Box 037, Trenton, New Jersey 08625.

The Top 30 New Jersey Towns with the highest number of DWI, DUI or Criminal Charges filed and defended by the GetNotGuilty.com lawyers: Newark, Wayne, East Brunswick, Milltown, Spotswood, Woodbridge NJ, Lawrence, Edison, Linden Bridgewater, Cherry Hill, Atlantic City, Jersey City, Paramus, Short Hills, North Brunswick, South Brunswick, Clifton, Clark, Elizabeth, Wayne, Secaucus, Deptford, Eatontown, Weehawken, Freehold, Princeton, Tinton Falls, Willingsboro, Ocean Township, Burlington, Edgewater, Cinnaminson, Bass River, Union, Piscataway.