98%* Success Rate to Win, Reduce or Eliminate the penalties on all cases we handle, Criminal Charges, DWI, DUI, Shoplifting, Assault and Drug Charges, Traffic Tickets, put our success rate to work for you!


Please click below and print out the appropriate Client Information Form and bring this form with you for your consultation

Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.

Municipal Court Interview Form

Please complete this form and bring with you to the office if you have a Traffic Ticket or DWI Matter

Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.

Criminal Court Interview Form

Please complete this form and bring with you to the office if you have a possible Criminal Charge

Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.

Initial Client Interview Form

For clients that have a general matter they need to discuss with the Attorney.

Initial Client Interview Form

Please complete all the information below. Any information provided on this form is Attorney Client privileged and will not be provided to anyone except by court order or by your consent. Due to this fact all information must be provided otherwise we cannot provide you with a consultation with an Attorney. This information sheet is the property of the Law Office of H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C. and all information provided will remain confidential, and may be destroyed at any time at the discretion of the Law Office of H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.

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MM slash DD slash YYYY
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Full Name(Required)
May We Call You At Work if you hire our office to represent you(Required)
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Press the Submit Button. Please call our office at (732) 257-5040 or 1-800-9-RIGHTS after submitting this form to confirm our receipt and your consultation. If you do not see the Thank You for submitting your form page after hitting the submit button that means we have not received your intake form. Please check the form and see if any required areas are missing your answer. Any questions, please call us.
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