39: 4-115 Improper Turn at Traffic Light = 3 Points
We Can Help You Eliminate The Points
Charged with making an Improper Turn at a Traffic Light: You will get 3 points on your driver’s license. Don't let points ruin your clean record, increase your car insurance rates and cost you money. Attorney Aalsberg has a 98%* Success rate of eliminating the points an improper turn ticket carries. Learn how, setup your free in office consultation at 1-800-974-4487 and start saving money today.
The law for making a turn in NJ in a nutshell is that a driver shall only make a turn when allowed if they can avoid causing an accident.
The law states a driver shall only make a turn at a controlled intersection when the driver has a "go" signal unless otherwise directed by a traffic or police officer, an official sign or special signal. Proper care includes doing whatever is necessary to avoid an accident including coming to a full stop, observing traffic in all directions, yielding to other vehicular traffic traveling in a direction in which the turn will be made, and stopping and remaining stopped for pedestrians crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk, or at an unmarked crosswalk, into which the driver is turning. Both the approach for and the turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, unless such intersection is otherwise posted. Thus this statute has a lot of requirements that a driver must meet prior to making a turn.
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98%* success rate to win, reduce or eliminate the points and penalties for all NJ traffic tickets.
For Mandatory Court Appearance Tickets:
If your ticket is marked mandatory court appearance you could also face up to 15 days in jail. Jail time is generally reserved by judges for cases where an accident has occurred. The penalties in regards to fines, jail or loss of license when a ticket is marked for a mandatory court appearance, must be determined by the judge on a case by case basis. Even though each ticket must meet the same statutory elements some offenses will weigh in at the highest end of the scale while others do not. The seven factors the judge must determine before suspending a drivers license or imposing jail for a traffic ticket with a mandatory court appearance are:
- The Nature and Circumstances of the driver's actions
- The driver's previous driving record
- The amount of time that has passed since the last driving infraction
- The driver's character and attitude
- Whether the conduct of careless driving is likely or unlikely to happen again
- Any excessive hardship the sentence would cause
- The need for personal deterrence
Under NJSA: 39:5-31: A judge may suspend the driving privileges of any person he/she deems to be guilty of a “willful violation” of the law. In simplified layman terms this means that, if the driver knew or should have known, what he/she was doing was illegal or improper, (example running a red light or speeding double the limit or 30mph or more over the limit etc.) the judge may issue a license revocation or suspension to that person even if the particular statute has no provision for a license suspension.
A suspension under 39:5-31 is generally only given by a judge when a ticket is either:
- Marked with a mandatory court appearance or
- When an accident occurs as a result of the ticketed persons actions or
- If the person has a bad past driving record. (points may go away over time, but the violation stays on your record for life)
Accordingly, If your ticket is marked mandatory court appearance, do not try to handle this ticket yourself, put the experience of Attorney Aalsberg to work for you to help reduce or eliminate any possible license suspension. Attorney Aalsberg has a 98%* Success rate to win, reduce or eliminate the penalties for all NJ traffic ticket charges.