98% Success Rate to Win, Reduce or Eliminate the penalties on all cases we handle, Criminal Charges, DWI, DUI, Shoplifting, Assault and Drug Charges, Traffic Tickets, put our success rate to work for you!


  • Eliminate Jail Time
  • Eliminate Probation and License Suspensions
  • Eliminate Your Criminal Record
  • Over 12,000+ Satisfied Clients in NJ
  • All Crimes - All of NJ

98%* Success Rate of Winning - Reducing or Eliminating the Penalties
for All NJ Drug Charge Offenders

How does Attorney Aalsberg have such a high success rate in Heroin, Marijuana, and Prescription Drug charge cases? Because he use defenses other criminal defense firms aren't even aware of to win his cases. For example Attorney Aalsberg has been successful getting some of his clients charged with possession of marijuana, heroin and percocet dismissed or downgraded using the NJ overdoes and protection act 2C:35-30, 31. This act makes it illegal for the police to charge or even arrest someone for possession of a controlled dangerous substance if that substance was found because of, or as a result of someone seeking help for an overdose. This act even applies to third parties who are helping that person who overdosed seek medical attention. Of course we have provided here only a course interpretation of the law but many defenses exist to a NJ Drug Charge, but without a skilled lawyer on our side you have no defense and you will be found guilty. Don't let this happen to you. The cost for the best in legal representation may not be cheap but the results will be priceless because a criminal record in the age of the internet never goes away even with an expungment!

Drug TypeQuantityOffenseJail Time Max Fine
Dusting½ ounce3rd Degree Crime5 years$35,000
Ephedrine Products9 or more gramsDisorderly persons180 days$1000
Heroin or Cocaine½ to 5 ounces or More1st Degree Crime20 years$500,000
Heroin or Cocaine1/2 to 5 ounces2nd Degree Crime10 years$150,000
LSD100+ Milligrams1st Degree Crime20 years$500,000
LSD100 milligrams2nd Degree Crime10 years$150,000
LSD100 milligrams3rd Degree Crime5 years$35,000
Marijuana25+ pounds1st Degree Crime20 years$300,000
Marijuana5 to 25 pounds2nd Degree Crime10 years$150,000
Marijuana7 ounces to 5 pounds3rd Degree Crime5 years$25,000
Methamphetamine5+ ounces1st Degree Crime20 years$500,000
Methamphetamine1/2 to 5 ounces2nd Degree Crime10 years$150,000
Other Schedule I or II Drugs1+ ounce2nd Degree Crime10 years$150,000
Other Schedule I or II Drugs1 ounce3rd Degree Crime5 years$35,000
Schedule III or IV Drugscodeine, steroids, testosterone, Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, etc.3rd Degree Crime5 years$15,000
Schedule V DrugsLess than 200 milligrams of codeine.
Less than 100 milligrams of dihydrocodeine.
Less than 100 milligrams of ethylmorphine.
Less than 2.5 milligrams diphenoxylate.
4th Degree Crime18 months$10,000


Whether you face a Simple Charge of Possession of Marijuana or a Federal Charge of Distribution of Cocaine or Heroin, We can help you Win. We have eliminated Jail, License Suspensions and even the affects of a criminal record for our clients!

Unlike other firms we do not handle: divorce, bankruptcy or real estate matters. We handle only Criminal and Municipal Court Matters. Each attorney in our office has handled well over 1000 matters and if you choose Attorney Aalsberg he has handled over 12,000 charges. Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg has over 30 years of experience and a 98%* success rate of winning, reducing or eliminating the penalties for his clients. Unlike other firms we do not hire attorneys just out of law school. Each criminal lawyer must be proven and experienced before he or she gets to be part of our legal team and work on your Drug Charge. If you need a NOT Guilty verdict or the best outcome for your drug charge you really only have one name to remember and that's Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq.



We Get Results! Whether you have been charged with a simple drug possession charge for carrying a joint to a complex federal drug charge you will be saddled with the negative effects of a drug conviction for the rest of your life.

Once convicted of a Drug Charge in the State of New Jersey you will have a criminal history. This criminal history will be reported on the NCIC or CCH database. This is a criminal record that can ruin your chances of getting that all important job, getting financial aid for school, a loan or even permission to visit a foreign country. Don't let this happen to you. Many defenses exist, call attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., now to set up a free in office consultation to see how we can help change the worst day of your life into just the next day of your life. Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg has a 98%* success rate of winning, reducing or eliminating the penalties our clients face in drug cases. But you must take the first step and setup your free in office consultation. Attorney Aalsberg was ranked one of the Top Ten Lawyers by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Lawyers for 2015 - 2024. Don't trust your future with just any lawyer: trust Attorey Aalsberg to get you the best result.

History of Integrity

Since 1992 our NJ Criminal Lawyers have helped over 12,000 people get the best possible result for their case. We have a 100% record of being ethically responsible. No Attorney while working with our firm has ever been sanctioned by the court for improper conduct or held in contempt. Our head Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq. has been awarded numerous awards and commendations and has been endorsed by more than 225 other lawyers nationally for his achievements.

We will fight for your rights, but we can't do anything without you taking the first step to call and setup your free in office consultation. Even if you think your guilty, we can explain how even in the most difficult cases we may be able to win by exploiting the many loop holes and mistakes the police and prosecutors make on a daily basis. These mistakes may be the grounds for the dismissal, reduction, downgrade or a not guilty verdict for your criminal drug charge. The results that you get for your case will stay with you and effect you for the rest of your life so be smart today and call us.

Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.

Click the Links Below to Learn More:

  • Possession of any Prescription Drug : not legally prescribed for your use by a doctor: From 180 Days up to 5 Years in Jail, most cases we can eliminate the jail and community service
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia : (spoons, needles etc.) : Up to 180 days in Jail, Probation, fine and more. In Most cases we can keep you out of jail, and eliminate jail.
  • Possession of Cocaine, Crack or Heroin : First Offense Up to 5 years in Jail $35,000 Fine, Community Service, Probation, loss of drivers license. In Most cases we can downgrade or reduce these penalties and keep you out of jail.
  • Intent to Distribute Marijuana : Up to 10 years in jail depending on type and quantity of drugs, please see
    attorney for possible defense.
  • Intent to Distribute Cocaine Heroin, Crack : Up to 20 years in Jail, fine of up to $100,000 please see attorney for possible defense
  • Federal Drug Charges : 1 Year to Life, Imprisonment depending on charge and quantity of illegal substance.
Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq., P.C.

You Deserve The Best Drug Charge Defense Call
Free No Obligation, Private In Office Consultation

When Only Winning Counts!
Call : 1-800-9-RIGHTS

Free In Office Consultation


*98% success rate its for all possession or first time offenders for distribution charges