Charged With Prostitution
Or Soliciting A Prostitute In NJ?
2C:34-1, 2C:34-1(B), 2C:34-1(C)
We Can Help To:

What is Prostitution in NJ:

In General: A person can be charged with prostitution when they engage in sexual conduct with another person in exchange for money, a fee or an object with value. Thus you don't need to actually exchange money it can be as simple as an agreement to exchange a pocket book for sex. Both the Prostitute and the Person asking or talking to the prostitute can be charged. The person soliciting the prostitute is generally called a John. A more serious form of prostitution is promoting prostitution. Anyone who knowingly promotes prostitution or compels another person to engage in prostitution is subject to enhanced charges and significant penalties including many years in jail. The worst prostitution charge is if an individual knowingly promotes prostitution with a child under the age of 18. Moreover, it does not matter if the offender knew that the person was a minor or that the person said he/she was over the age of 18.

Penalties for Prostitution in NJ:

Penalties for Prostitution range from up to 180 days in Jail for the disorderly persons offense heard in Municipal Court to up to 10 years in Jail if you knowingly hired a prostitute under 18 years of age.   Thus, not matter charge you have the penalties can be very severe.  Not to worry help is only a phone call away to start the process to hire Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq.  Attorney Aalsberg has a 98%* Success Rate of Helping his Client Win, Reduce or Eliminate the penalties that they face.  Put his success rate to work for you.

NJ Law

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We Can Help You Win, Reduce or Eliminate the Penalties Even if Guilty! 98%* Success Rate

Penalties for Prostitution in NJ:

Penalties for Prostitution range from up to 180 days in Jail for the disorderly persons offense heard in Municipal Court to up to 10 years in Jail if you knowingly hired a prostitute under 18 years of age.   Thus, not matter charge you have the penalties can be very severe.  Not to worry help is only a phone call away to start the process to hire Attorney H. Scott Aalsberg, Esq.  Attorney Aalsberg has a 98%* Success Rate of Helping his Client Win, Reduce or Eliminate the penalties that they face.  Put his success rate to work for you.